Newsletter, week 6, term 3, No 2
Principal's Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through Term 3. It’s amazing how quick time is flying by. This week Mrs Welsh is on long service leave and enjoying a well deserved break. We hope she takes some time to rest as well as treat herself.
Since our last newsletter, we have been busily working away in our classrooms and enjoying some lovely days of sunshine. This week we are celebrating a number of different events around the school. On Wednesday our Prep students celebrated their 100th day of learning at school. Although our Preps looked a little aged by the end of the day, it sounds like they had a fabulous time completing a number of 100 themed activities.
On Thursday and Friday, our students are participating in our Annual Athletics Carnival. Although this year the format is slightly different, Mr Mays has organised a big two days of events for our students to participate in. Good luck to all students!
Next week, the whole school events continue as we celebrate Book Week. All students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character on Friday August 27th. I can't wait to see all the different characters wandering around the school.
Stay tuned to our School Facebook page for updates and photos from these events.
Kind regards,
Nicole Zappia
Religious Education
This weeks Gospel: John 6:60-69
Many of his followers heard this and said, “This teaching is too hard. Who can listen to it?”
Without being told, Jesus knew that they were grumbling about this, so he said to them, “Does this make you want to give up? Suppose, then, that you should see the Son of Man go back up to the place where he was before? What gives life is God's Spirit; human power is of no use at all. The words I have spoken to you bring God's life-giving Spirit. Yet some of you do not believe.”And he added, “This is the very reason I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father makes it possible for him to do so.”
Because of this, many of Jesus' followers turned back and would not go with him any more. So he asked the twelve disciples, “And you — would you also like to leave?”
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. And now we believe and know that you are the Holy One who has come from God.”
What happens? Lots of Jesus’ followers decide that they will not follow him any more. They give up and they go home.
What do you do when you find things difficult? Do you give up? Will you try again? Do you ask someone for help?
What would happen if we all gave up as soon as we found something hard? The world would be a very different place. There would be no new inventions and no amazing sportspeople, artists, musicians, or scientists.
Everyone finds things hard sometimes, but if we keep trying and have faith, it can get better.
(Referenced from CAFOD- Children’s Liturgy)
This week the SWPBS focus is ‘using equipment for its intended purpose’ (We are Safe). This focus is particularly important with our Athletics on Thursday and Friday this week. We have also discussed that it is important to use equipment for its intended purpose and safely during break times.
Next week the focus will be ‘actively participating in activities and experiences’ (We are Learners). Dressing up and participating in our Book Week celebrations is a perfect example of this.
Primary School
On Wednesday the 18th of August, all Prep students celebrated their ‘100th Day of onsite learning at school’. What an achievement! We really enjoyed dressing up as what we think we would look like at 100 years old. We also participated in lots of fun activities based around the number 100. Some activities included; writing what I would buy with $100, filling in the number 100 using tissue paper and a craft of what I would look like as a 100 year old. Wow what an awesome day, we are now 100 days smarter! Thank you to all parents and carers for organising outfits.
Year 1/2
The year 1/2 students have been having some fun with imaginative texts. We have created interesting characters, explored far away settings and created interesting problems and solutions.
We have been busy having races and jumps to prepare for our athletics day this week. Everyone is keen to compete for their house.
In Science we have been doing push and pull activities. We looked at how the push of water upwards works against the pull of gravity downwards. When gravity is greater, this is when items sink.
In Religion we have been looking at how we become part of a group. Perhaps you could chat at home about what makes your family a unique group.
Year 3/4
The year 3/4 students are excited and ready for Athletics day on Friday. They have been practising all the different activities in preparation.
In Science we have been studying soil and what can be found in soil, different types of rocks and the effects of erosion.
Our focus in Writing over the next few weeks is information texts. We will be exploring their purpose and working towards recognising all the structural features of different information texts.
Year 5/6
Students have enjoyed exploring a variety of explanation texts in Reading and Writing, gaining an understanding of its purpose, as well as language and structural features. In Science, they have continued with the topic of States of Matter. Students have enjoyed a number of experiments where they were able to identify that air is made up of gases that take up space. In P.E, students have been working hard practicing and refining their athletics skills in preparation for Athletics Day. The 5/6 teachers wish all participants good luck and hope everyone has a great day!
The year 1/2 students are about to start painting their backgrounds for their ‘Blue Dog’ artwork. They have practised using acrylic paint to understand tints and shades. A tint is when you lighten a colour by adding white and shading is when you add black to a colour.
The 3/4 students have sketched and designed a mask to hide their identity. They are now beginning the construction phase using cardboard and adding different decorative features with either coloured paper, paint or markers.
The 5/6 students have been producing some excellent digital art using the platform, google drawing. They have taken an image of a basketball and used different tools to mosaic a design over the top. They then removeed the image and added a background.
Secondary School
It is great to see most students are now completing their homework in a timely manner and reading each week night and entering this in their diaries. A reminder that next week is Book Week. We are looking forward to seeing the costumes the year 7 and 8 students wear next Friday.
Year 7 students have been identifying different film and television genres and determining which one they find engaging. They were surprised to discover that one TV show or movie can contain many different genres.
Year 8 students have been examining visual texts and identifying the different messages they portray. They are learning that throughout time, visual texts reflect on the values and morals of that period.
This term students are focusing on measurement in maths. Students will be completing a hands measurement assignment starting on Friday. They are continuing to demonstrate good growth in their Maths Pathways modules. Students should strive to complete 6 modules every 2 week cycle.
Students are continuing to enjoy their Food Technology unit. Last week students experimented with yeast and made some tasty pizzas. This week students made some delicious sausage rolls. Their clean up skills are slowly improving.
Students have enjoyed watching different types of parodies and are now working in groups to plan and write their own.
Book Club, Issue 6 is due back Wednesday 1st September.
Please save your bread tags! We are collecting bread tags so that they will be recycled to fund wheelchairs.
What can you do?
It’s easy ….. save your bread tags for a while and then drop them off at the Library or Office. Ask your family, friends and local café to help.
We have a number of school jackets and windcheaters in our lost property. If your child has misplaced any uniform please contact the school office.
Reminder: Please make sure to put your child's name on their school uniform.
Please make sure you child / children are arriving at school on time.
Classes start at 8.42am.
Australian Dental Health Victoria is visiting our School from Monday 25th to Friday 29th October.
All students have been given the following form and it needs to be returned to School by Monday 6th September.
More forms are available at the office, if needed.
Students will be seen in their school environment, allowing them to feel safe and comfortable.