Newsletter, week 4, term 1, No 2
Principal's Report
Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome to our second newsletter for the year. We seemed to have settled into the school year well and the term is progressing nicely. Walking through the school it is lovely to see all our staff and students working hard and enjoying the opportunity to learn and socialise together. I’m also very pleased to be able to report that our COVID numbers seem to be declining, a trend that I really hope continues. I’m awaiting a new set of guidelines that will hopefully see further relaxation of restrictions and take us even closer to ‘normal’ school operations.
Changes we are aware will come into place at midnight this Friday include no longer needing to sign in with a QR Code when you enter the school and the removal of density limits. Mask mandates are also another area that the government has made changes to. At St Mary’s the new rules will mean that our Year 3-6 students and Primary staff still need to wear masks while our Secondary students and staff are no longer mandated to wear one. We do, however, strongly encourage them to do so as we obviously share spaces and resources. We would also like to think that our secondary cohorts are willing to act as role models for our younger students by continuing to wear a mask.
Please be aware that Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) is continuing until the end of this term. We strongly encourage all St Mary’s families to participate in this initiative. We recommend testing students twice a week and any time that they have COVID symptoms, no matter how mild. We will be sending one pack of 5 tests home with each student by the end of this week to use in weeks 5 & 6.
As you know, staff professional learning is one of the most important ways we have to ensure we continue to offer the best possible education we can for our students. In addition to attending staff meetings and collaborating in teams, staff do need closure days so the whole group can come together and engage in adult learning specifically aimed at school improvement. Providing these opportunities has been challenging over the last couple of years but this year we are optimistic that our closure days will go ahead. Listed below are the dates for our 2022 Closure Days to help with your family organisation:
- Monday 28th March
- Monday 16th May
- Wednesday 1st June
- Monday 11th July
- Monday 31st October
Unfortunately, because we do still have some restrictions in place, we are unable to hold our annual community Pancake Tuesday celebration this year. Our students will still celebrate this important event in our Catholic faith during the day. We are also hoping to be able to hold a community event to replace Pancake Tuesday which will coincide with Harmony Day later this term. Please keep an eye out for details about this exciting event.
Our Year 5 students who are making their First Eucharist this year began their journey last weekend by attending Mass and signing up for the program. Please be aware that students are able to do the same at this weekend’s 6pm Mass on Saturday. We continue to keep all candidates and their families in our prayers during this special time for them.
Kind regards,
Andrea Welsh
Religious Education
Next week we will begin the season of Lent, with our Ash Wednesday Liturgy.
This year will hold this service remotely, classes will be provided with ashes that will be distributed in classrooms. We remember Lent as a Catholic Christian tradition, a period of about six weeks before Easter. It is a time in which we are supposed to be quiet and thoughtful, preparing themselves for Easter. Some of the symbols of Lent that our students will explore further are:
Ashes: Made from palm leaves from the previous year, ashes can remind us of baptism.
Violet (deep purple): Violet is the liturgical colour of the season and symbolises its repentant character, as well as Christ as the King of the world. (Deep purple was a colour reserved for royalty in Jesus’ time.)
Please be aware that St Mary’s Parish will hold an Information Meeting for Year 5 First Eucharist Candidates and those who missed out in 2021.
Enrolment Mass will be held on SATURDAY 26th FEB 2022. Candidates are required to attend with their parents, fill out the enrolment form and bring it up with their parents at the offertory procession. A short meeting will be held after the mass. It is advisable to come 10 minutes earlier to fill out the form.
Preparation Day will be held on SATURDAY 19 MARCH FROM 9am - 3pm. (This is what was trialled last year. It was successful and replaced the four meetings after school).
FIRST EUCHARIST CELEBRATIONS will be on the 7th and 8th MAY 2022.
If any of these dates do not suit another opportunity will be available later in the year when the Year 4 candidate receive their First Eucharist. Please phone the parish contact, Mary Knight: 0438 627 920 or email: if you have any questions.
This week our SWPBS focus is: Wearing school uniform correctly.
School uniform is important at St Mary's school as it helps to create a sense of belonging and community for the students. Students who feel connected to school often experience both academic and social success. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform each day.
Next week our focus will be: Representing the school with pride
School pride can be displayed in many ways, but it usually reflects a feeling of strong connection to the school or being proud to represent the school and the values it stands for. This is an opportunity to discuss with your child the values at St Mary's and why these are important. Students can demonstrate school pride by wearing the uniform correctly, participating in school activities and constantly meeting our school behaviour expectations.
Primary School
What a great start to the year we have had in Foundation. We have just completed our first book study and everyone enjoyed creating our rocket ships and stars out of clay last week. We have started learning our first letter and sound this week which is /m/. Students were excited to meet their first friend; Maggie Mouse who munches muffins. Students will be meeting Sammy Seal surfing when we learn about /s/ sound on Friday! We have worked hard to identify words that start with the /m/ sound. Students have enjoyed beginning their math workbooks where we have done lots of cutting and pasting to show numbers up to 5.
Year 1/2
Over the past two weeks Year 1/2 have started their Math and Spelling Mastery groups. We have also started looking at relationships in Religion. We discussed the relationships we have with the people in our class and worked together to build towers from lego, toothpicks or marshmallows. We worked very well together and discussed what makes a good relationship. Reading diaries have also been sent home. Please encourage your child to read, read and read! This week Year 1/2 did an amazing job with our fire evacuation drill. A huge well done to everyone!
Year 3/4
We continue to grow quickly in our learning. Our Spelling Mastery and Math groups have commenced, with the students transitioning between classes well. Our focus in reading is identifying the point of view in texts read. In writing we are working on brainstorming story lines as the first part of the writing process.
We started swimming lessons last week very successfully. All the students participated well and followed instructors with enthusiasm. The next swimming lesson will be next week, on Thursday 3rd, March.
Year 5/6
The Year 5/6 students have enjoyed getting into their Math groups and have settled in well to Spelling Mastery. In Math, the Year 6 students have been learning and revising common and decimal fractions and adding tenths and hundredths. The Year 5 students have been comparing and rounding 6 digit numbers and revising the partial product strategy to multiply 3 digit numbers.
In English, students have been revisiting various comprehension strategies, such as inferring and making predictions. Students have been planning and preparing persuasive speeches in preparation for their Class Captain speeches. The Year 5/6 teachers are very proud of their efforts so far and are looking forward to students' presentations next week.
Students were able to identify and demonstrate their own character strengths by producing unique and creative ‘Tree of Strength’ posters in Health.
Digi Tech
The prep classes have started learning how to be safe when online. They are beginning to learn that we do not share our personal details. We had some great discussions about ‘old’ and ‘new’ technology. The students found it hilarious that people used to communicate using homing pigeons and that not so long ago there were no mobile phones. How times have changed!
In PE we’ve been doing lots of teamwork activities and learning the rules of some new games. Foundation has been having fun playing ‘Monster Monster’. Year 1/2 have been enjoying a new game called ‘Banana Tag’. While years 3 to 6 have been participating in different versions of dodgeball such as Secret Agent.
Remember when it is your child's PE day, they should wear their sports uniform and sneakers.
This year in art all primary classes made artworks to celebrated Chinese New Year. The activities focused on the Year of the Tiger. Foundation and Year 1/2 made cute paper plate tigers and the Year 5/6 followed drawing instructions and drew the head of a growling tiger. Year 3/ 4 made tigers in their classrooms.
This term the Foundation students will explore the primary colours to understand that you can’t make the primary colours, they just exist. They will make different artworks focused on yellow, red and blue.
Year 1/2 students are looking at the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky to help them express their emotional side by using different lines, shapes and colours. They have been listening to different types of music to help. Wassily Kandinsky painted the music he listened to. He said certain notes or musical instruments made him see different colours, lines and shapes.
Year 3/4 are experimenting with oil pastels and watercolors. They are looking at Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers and then drawing their own interpretation of a vase of flowers. This activity showcases difference between each student and how they see things differently.
The 5/6 students are working on understanding how to use two point perspective to draw a building on a street corner. They will graffiti their name on the front of the building and add a background.
Secondary School
Year 7/8
Year 7 and 8 students need to remember to complete their daily reading and bring their school diaries into school every day.
All students are required to supply their own headphones.
Year 7 students have completed their first Maths Pathway cycle test. Students results were very pleasing and they are adjusting well to the new platform.
Please ensure students have a set of headphones at school as they will need these to watch instructional videos for test revision.
Year 8 students are preparing for their Integers test and Maths Mate test. They will be focusing on their summaries this week. Our next topic will be Index Laws.
In Science we have been learning how to record science experiment observations using a table and noting what changes occur. We need to follow all safety rules in the Laboratory or science experiments will not be able to be performed.
In PE both Year 7’s & 8’s have been practicing their basketball skills through shooting, passing and dribbling. Students will be competing in a class basketball match in smaller teams next week.
Please remember all 7 & 8 students must wear their correct PE uniform every Monday.
Year 7’s are continuing to learn about valuing diversity in our society and the benefits of appreciating everyone regardless if they are different.
Year 8’s are continuing to work on their understanding of online safety for their own health and also how to be safe in all aspects of their lives.
Outdoor Education
The year 8’s have been learning about First Aid, CPR and Anaphylaxis management. They have been using some practice equipment such as Epi-Pens, AnaPens and other equipment to demonstrate their understanding. They all have a sound understanding of what DRSABCD means.
Year 7’s have been developing their cooking and cleaning skills in the kitchen. Our focus for the next couple of weeks will be investigating raising agents. Students enjoyed making lemonade scones last week and are looking forward to making pizzas soon.
The Arts
The students have been analysing different magazine covers and are now designing their own. They have been demonstrating their creativity and understanding of media design.
Family Fee Assistance
Family Fee Scheme applies to families who hold a current Health Care Card.
Please bring your Health Care Card into the School office before the end of Term 1 to receive the discount off your School Fees.
Australia Day Local Government Awards for Achievement
Primary Award: Sierra Natale
Sierra actively undertakes roles and volunteers to assist around the
school. She is a respectful role model for her peers and other
students and is considerate of others feelings and will offer to
support or encourage them. Sierra willingly participates in community
and school events and always applies herself with all learning tasks
and takes on feedback to improve her learning. She uses her own
initiative and motivation to drive her learning and success.
Secondary Award: Alex Curran
Alex is actively involved in community events and sports. He
volunteers his time to assist with the Dragon Boat club. He always
volunteers and assists at school events and in the classroom. He is a
polite and respectful student who sets a good example for others. He
has demonstrated patience when working with younger students
particularly his 2022 prep buddy during our transition program.
Please make sure your child/children are arriving at school on time.
Classes start at 8.42am each day.
If your child arrives after this time, they need to be signed in at the office.
Yard Supervision
- Yard supervision starts at 8.22am. No student should be at school before this time
- Classrooms open at 8.32am
- Classes start at 8.42am. Any student who arrives after this time must sign in at the office
- Dismissal 3.12pm
- Buses - students who travel home via bus are dismissed as per the bus timetable
- Yard supervision concludes when the last school bus leaves (approximately 3.30pm)
Please note that we are no longer using SKOOLBAG as a form of communication. We recommend you delete the St Mary's School Robinvale SKOOLBAG app as we will not post any further information on it.
Individual teachers will continue to use Class Dojo or email you if they need to get in touch.
All school communication will come via notes, email, Facebook or PAM (including SMS).