Newsletter, Week 8, Term 2, No 3
Principal's Report
Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome to our final term 2 newsletter!
In recent weeks teachers have been busy preparing Semester 1 reports for our students. A considerable amount of time and effort goes into these to provide what we hope is a clear and concise report on your children’s progress at school. Reports will be ready for collection from the school office after 9am on Thursday 23rd June. Any reports that remain uncollected by 1pm on Friday 24th June will be sent to your mailing address. If your address has changed please make sure you call the office to update it before then.
We hope you enjoy reading them and find the reports very informative.
There are going to be some minor changes to our staffing in Semester 2. These are listed below for your information:
- Jodie Gregus will start maternity leave in week 7 of term 3. Sereima Waqalevu will take over Jodie’s year 1/2 class at the start of term 3. Sereima and Jodie will co-teach during week 1, then Jodie will continue to work at the school as a replacement teacher until her leave begins. We wish Jodie and Adam all the best as they prepare to become parents for the first time.
- Kirsten Neyland is due to start maternity leave at the end of term 3. We are not replacing Kirsten, instead classroom teachers will teach their own PE lessons during term 4. Best wishes to Kirsten, Ben and Jaxon as they get ready to welcome a second child into their family.
- Sharise McMonnies will reduce her teaching load to 3 days per week from the start of term 3. Sarah McMonnies has accepted a teaching position at St Mary's, beginning in Semester 2, for the remaining two days per week. Sarah is an experienced teacher who has taught both in the Northern Territory and at Robinvale College. Sarah is returning to teaching after taking time away from the profession to raise her young family. We are excited to have Sarah join our team and I know you will all join me in congratulating her on her appointment.
- Tehan Kelleher has increased her hours to become our full time Wellbeing Coordinator. Her role will be expanded to include leading SWPBS throughout the school and other wellbeing based initiatives.
- Jacky Chhun has also increased her hours to full time. Jacky will support Year 7 & 8 English and continue her role as our EAL Coordinator.
I am also happy to be able to provide you with a building update. After a thorough tendering process JAAG Professional Builders have accepted our contract. We are currently finalising the details of the project which should begin very soon. This is very exciting news for us, please keep an eye out for the builders who will be onsite in the near future.
Coming up in term 3 we have both our year 5/6 & year 7/8 camps. The year 5/6 camp will take place at PGL Adventure Camp at Campaspe Downs and is scheduled for 18th-21st July. Our year 7/8 students are heading off to Roses Gap Recreation Centre on the 5th-9th September. These are exciting events that students remember for many years to come. Not only are they a lot of fun, please be aware that camps are also an important and integral part of our school curriculum and it is a requirement that ALL students attend. Please keep this in mind when camp notes come home and contact us if you have concerns about anything to do with camp as we are only too happy to help.
As I’ve mentioned before, this term has been quite challenging for our students, their families and staff as we have continued to battle many illnesses and significant absences. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our community for their support, understanding and perseverance during this period and encourage everyone to take a well earned rest over the break.
Kind regards,
Andrea Welsh
Religious Education
Letters were sent home with our Year 3-4 students who wish to participate in St Mary’s Parish Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Please note that all future communication will be via the Parish Bulletin which can be collected in the St Mary’s Church Narthex or contact Mary Knight via the Parish office on (03) 5026 3068 or email - to have this emailed to you.
Next week St Mary’s School ‘acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of the First Nations Peoples to this Country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation. In NAIDOC week, we are invited to consider an eternal theme of this land: Always Was, Always Will Be. We acknowledge that these lands, waterways and seas always have been, are, and will always be lands, seas and waterways of the First Nations peoples. We commit to walking with and learning from the elders of these places’.
God of all creation, as we journey together in this Great Southern Land,
We pray for healing, forgiveness, and unity,
Creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love,
You have given us the courage, wisdom, and strength
To share our gifts and talents in humility.
In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving
For the many blessings we have received.
Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.
Aboriginal Elders and Reconciliation Church staff members (2014)
Our SWPBS focus this week is "Letting others learn" this is an opportunity for students to reflect on their behaviour within the classroom and think about how this benefits or impacts the learning environment.
Our SWPBS focus for next week is based on our school data over the past term. Our focus will be on "Following teacher instructions''. This data has shown that we have a number of students ignoring and not following teacher requests or instructions. It is important for the safety and learning of everyone at St Mary's that students acknowledge teacher instructions and follow them promptly.
Project Rockit
On Thursday last week we had guest presenters from Project Rockit speak to students in Year 3-8. The focus of these sessions was online safety, inclusivity and anti bullying.
Year 3/4 participated in the BELONG session which unites students to build inclusive school communities, with strategies and empathy to combat social exclusion and increase awareness of diverse perspectives.
Year 5/6 students participated in the UNITE session which builds a shared understanding of what bullying is and how it impacts those targeted. Students are empowered with strategies to promote a culture of taking action to support each other.
Year 7/8 students participated in the CONNECT session which explores the positive potential of technology, upskilling students with online skills to build connected communities, support wellbeing and navigate harmful experiences.
Special thanks to SYFS (School Youth Focused Services) for organising and funding this opportunity.
What an incredibly busy Term 2 we’ve had in Foundation. It’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through the year already. Please encourage your child to practise their tricky words and letters learnt during the school holidays. The Foundation teachers will send home another handwriting pack with the most recent set of letters taught (k, u, b, j) before the end of next week as well as the tricky words. We’re looking forward to creating our NAIDOC week classroom display in preparation for next week. It will be an enjoyable way to end term 2. Please keep your eyes peeled at the beginning of Term 3 for more information about an exciting upcoming excursion to Mildura! Have a safe and relaxing two week break.
Year 1/2
Our Year 1/2 children have been having fun learning about the structure of a narrative, or story. We have looked at how a story needs characters, a setting and events. The children experimented by changing the characters and setting in some traditional fairy tales. It was interesting to hear about the marshmallow man or three little goats!
In science we have been continuing to make mixtures with some interesting results.
Hopefully your children have been coming home talking about our healthy choices in regard to food, drink and activities. This has fitted in well with our Religion topic of showing love for creation.
Next week as a school we are celebrating Naidoc week, recognising the contribution of our indigenous people. Have a look at the school to check out the displays outside our rooms.
Year 3/4
Our Year 3/4 students have had a busy term and will be ready for their upcoming break. We were lucky to be involved in a session with Project Rockit last week. Matt and Emma reminded us about empathy and kindness. There was much discussion and many questions and answers. All our students were engaged and showed interest. Well done 3/4 RM on their assembly that was focused around the topic ‘empathy.’ Everyone played their part particularly well and it was very entertaining. We are looking forward to our week of celebration for Naidoc week and can’t wait to learn more about our Indigenous peoples. As we head towards our holiday break, we would like to remind everyone to please read each night and practise your times tables but most of all have a happy, relaxing and safe holiday.
Year 5/6
The Year 5/6 students have been busy working away completing their informative texts on a variety of topics, including countries and animals. They have embraced the opportunity to use their research skills and then apply this knowledge to produce creative posters. They are looking forward to starting poetry and learning about the appropriate structural and language features. In Science, the students have continued exploring the Solar System and enjoyed the chance to utilise materials and demonstrate their understanding of the order of the planets. With Lightning Premierships fast approaching, the students are very excited to begin training and preparing for the event.
Digi Tech
The prep classes have completed their lessons on gathering data and representing the results. We recorded tallies and then displayed the results for people and pets living in my house. Their 'house' then needed shapes. There were squares representing adults, triangles representing siblings, and circles representing pets. It was enjoyable for the students to share their data with one another.
All students are finishing off their artworks from the term. All students have put in a lot of effort and should be proud of their creative achievements.
This week the whole school is working together to help create a mural that will be displayed in the gym, in celebration of Naidoc Week. Every student from Foundation to year 8 has decorated a circle with their self portrait. These will be collated and made into a Murray Cod floating across the wall of the gym.
Year 7/8
In Year 7 Homeroom students have been discussing a variety of topics such as items on their bucket list, dream jobs, favourite actors/actresses and many other topics and they are enjoying seeing their peers choices.
A Reminder for all 7 & 8 students to make sure they read every night of the week and sign their diary with the book they read, what pages and if possible get a parent signature.
In Year 8 Maths we are continuing our learning on Algebra. We are working towards adding and subtracting algebraic terms.
Why is algebra useful in real life?
The study of algebra helps in logical thinking and enables a person to break down a problem first and then find its solution. Although you might not see theoretical algebraic problems on a daily basis, the exposure to algebraic equations and problems at some point in life will train your mind to think logically.
Year 7’s are also continuing their learning of Algebra. We are working towards expanding and factorising simple equations and using algebra to assist with problem solving.
In Year 7 Science we are learning the importance of flowering plants and the connection of Indigenous Australians to their ecosystems.
In Year 8 we have now completed our study on the Digestive, Circulatory, Excretory, Respiratory, and the Musculoskeletal systems.
Science Fair - Term 3 Week 5
In Year 7& 8 students have started to research a science project of their choice in preparation for Science Fair in Term 3 Week 5. Please ask your student about their science project idea and the form that needs to be signed. More information on Science Fair in Term 3.
In Religion the Year 7’s have been discussing moral choices and how to decide what is the right decision in a challenging situation. They are currently researching famous people who make others lives better.
The Year 8’s have been focusing on the healing aspect of Reconciliation and how there are many different ways that we can heal in a variety of scenarios.
During PE both Year 7’s & 8’s have been learning the basic skills to play netball including the positions, the 3 foot rule and more and it has been great to see all of them challenging themselves to do the best they can during class.
The Yr 7’s focus in health has been respectful relationships and recently they have been discussing the impacts that negative relationships can have on individuals.
The Yr 8’s learning focus has been “Staying Healthy” and they have enjoyed dicussing how to determine whether health information is factual or not and what to look for.
Both 7’s & 8’s have their Unit Tests next week and have been provided with a revision sheet that they will be able to use so please remind them to study for their test.
As we come to the end of our History unit the year 7’s have been looking at the Ancient world and comparing the way they lived to today.
The year 8’s have been looking at more recent history and seeing how early civilisations began and created the world we live in today.
Both 7’s & 8’s have their Unit Tests next week and have been provided with a revision sheet that they will be able to use so please remind them to study for their test.
Outdoor Ed
The Yr 8’s have been researching a variety of outdoor camps from around Australia and the world and creating a Google slide presentation talking about the costs, benefits, distance, location and more and will present their findings during their double lesson next week.
Australian Dental Health
Australian Dental Health Victoria is providing school students with dental treament beyond the Medicare eligibility, meaning all students are able to participate.
The dental van is visiting our School from Monday 24th to Friday 28th October 2022.
If you wish your child to visit the Dental van, please return the form, sent home with your child by Monday 15th August.
If you require another form, please contact the School office