Newsletter, Week 1, Term 3, No 1
Principal's Report
Dear Parents & Carers,
Welcome to our first Term 3 newsletter!
Fortunately we seem to have limited numbers of COVID cases in our school community at the moment but we do know from past experience how quickly this can change.
Please be aware of our current protocols:
- All positive cases and close contacts must be reported to the school
- Positive cases must isolate for 7 days
- Household contacts can attend school but must wear a face mask indoors (if over 8 years old) and complete a RAT for 5 of the 7 days that the positive case in in isolation
- The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements has been reduced from the previous 12 weeks to 4 weeks
- RATs are no longer required twice weekly and will not be distributed by the school, however, we have a supply available for anyone who requires them
- Hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and physical distancing is required at all times
- Face masks are strongly recommended for everyone aged 8 years and above in all indoor settings, including classrooms, and when physical distancing is not possible. Please refer to the letter attached to this newsletter for further details.
In response to our ongoing battle with illness and absences, at the end of last term, Catholic Education Ballarat proposed to all schools the option of taking a four-day ‘Circuit-breaker’ long weekend in the middle of August. The intention of this was that it may give schools an opportunity to head off more illness and prevent staff shortages. Each school was encouraged to make an individual decision after looking carefully at their particular needs. After consulting with the SAC and the school leadership team, carefully weighing up the pros and cons and considering the impact closing the school for a further two days might have on student learning I have decided that, at this stage, St Mary’s will not take this Circuit-breaker weekend. However, I am leaving open the option of revising this decision at a later date, should our circumstances change and I feel additional closure days would be of benefit to the health and wellbeing of our staff, students and wider community. If this need arises and I do decide that we have to close the school to allow people to rest and recover from multiple illnesses I will give you as much notice as possible. I am choosing to do what I think is currently right for our community knowing that parents will make their own decision to take time off school if they feel they need it.
As I mentioned last term, our building project is finally underway and we expect to have builders on site next week. Using our new entry and exit points to the school is going very well and I thank each of you for your cooperation in this matter. A friendly reminder to pick up/drop off students on the basketball court side of the Parke Street gate and please do not allow students to get out of cars until you are in this position. During busy times this may require a short wait in your car while a space opens up. We also ask that you do not park your car on Parke Street during pick up/drop off as this can affect the flow of traffic. If you need to park your car please use the school car park and walk to the gate. Thank you once again for your understanding and support.
Last Monday our staff participated in a professional learning day on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching led by Fr Justin Driscoll. Catholic Social Teaching is something that we hope to develop and respond to in our school over the coming years. A huge thank you to our mothers who catered for us and provided a delicious morning tea and lunch!
Last week our Year 5/6 students travelled to Red Cliffs to participate in our district Lightning Premierships. By all accounts a great day was had by all. Congratulations to every student who participated and represented our school. A special mention to our A grade netball and football teams who won their division and are now off to Swan Hill to compete in the regional competition. A huge thank you to the staff who organised and supported the event and especially to the parents who coached on the day.
Although we are only in the second week of the term we have already had many events happening and have many more scheduled for the first half of this term. This week our Year 5/6 students are on Camp and our Year 7/8 students will be heading off soon. Our Foundation students have been on an excursion to Mildura. Our first whole school Cross Country for many years is scheduled to take place in Week 3 (Tuesday 26th July) and we have started an electives program in Year 7/8.
As the Year 7/8 camp draws closer, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind all parents that school camps are a critical part of the school curriculum and not an optional extra. It is expected that ALL students attend school camp unless there are exceptional circumstances that prevent someone from attending. If this occurs the individual circumstances need to be discussed with the school. Please also note that any student who does not attend camp is required to attend school.
I’d like to end this report by offering our congratulations to Kieran Mays and his partner Tegan who welcomed their first child into the world on July 5th. By all accounts Rowie Dorothy Mays is doing well and her parents could not be more proud of her!
Kind regards,
Andrea Welsh
Religious Education
This term our students who are in the catch up group, will participate in preparation days for Confirmation and First Eucharist. At this stage we are hoping that the whole school will participate in Mass at St Mary’s Church for the Assumption of Mary. Our staff joined Fr Justin last Monday to participate in professional learning around Catholic Social Teaching. With the values and compassion shared through the Parable of the Good Samaritian, we learnt that if we See (How the real world people are living), Judge (Understand what is happening and why it is happening) and Act (Determine the actions and how to respond) then we can learn to offer different ways of thinking and seeing the world. It can provide a vision for a society in which all people are recognised, valued and cared for.
Father, you have given all peoples one common origin.
It is your will that they be gathered together
as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of mankind with the fire of your love
and with the desire to ensure justice for all.
By sharing the good things you give us,
may we secure an equality for all
our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
May there be an end to division, strife and war.
May there be a dawning of a truly human society
built on love and peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord.
This week our SWPBS focus is:
Using transport with care and travelling safely
This is an opportunity for students to make themselves familiar with our new entry and exit points. Safely entering and exiting the school and learning how to safely use different modes of transport (buses, cars) and rules around crossing the road.
Thank you everyone for a great start to Term 3. We had our very first excursion to Mildura on Tuesday the 19th of July. We enjoyed the ‘Edward the Emu’ performance at the Mildura Arts Centre and visited two parks. One of our favourite parts of the show was when we learnt about how the amazing puppets were made. Please enjoy some pictures from our special day. Keep an eye out for more information to come over the next week or so about celebrating our ‘100 days of Foundation’
Year 1/2
Welcome back and what a great start to Term 3!
There are lots of exciting events and learning happening in Term 3!
This Term 1/2 will be beginning Humanities. We will be looking at changes in our community. In this unit we will look at different buildings and landmarks around Robinvale and how they have changed or stayed the same. We will be looking for some guest speakers later in the Term to come and share what has changed and stayed the same and their experiences growing up in Robinvale. Watch this space!
We will also begin to look at narratives and start writing our very own!
A reminder to keep up the reading at home and encourage your child to swap their home readers regularly.
Year 3/4
Welcome back to all our students. The holidays seem like a distant memory. We are busy writing our information report on an Australian Sports person. Soon we will move onto creating an information brochure on a country.
Thank you to all the parents signing your child's reading diary regularly, it is encouraging to see you supporting your child’s reading at home.
Performing Arts
This term all students are experiencing life as an actor, singer or dancer. Instead of using paint and pencils to express themselves they will be using their bodies, voices and musical instruments to express themselves. So far each class has had a lot of fun playing drama games and warming up their voices.
In Year 8 Maths we are finishing off the topic algebra. The algebra test will be next Wednesday 27th July. Our next topic is measurement. Maths Mate Homework Sheets are due every Friday.
In both Year 7 & 8 Science the students have been busy researching and experimenting with their science fair project. Each student will be inviting a special guest to come to the Science Fair on Tuesday 16th August, 2022.
Theme - Glass: More than meets the eye
Date - 16th August 2022
What is National Science Week Australia 2022?
National Science Week Australia 2022 is the annual celebration of all things science and technology. It’s recognised every year in August. This year it will be celebrated on the 13th-21st August.
Our Year 7 & 8 students will be hosting their Science Fair on Tuesday 16th of August in the Gym. To end the week we have a Science Performance on Friday 19th August for all Year 5-8 students.
The theme for National Science Week Australia 2022 is ‘Glass: More than meets the eye’. Glass plays a huge part in all of our lives. This year’s event will put different types of glass under the metaphorical microscope, inspecting them in closer detail. That will include optical fibre, laboratory glassware, as well as phone screens.
Year 8 students were very excited to begin their Food Technology unit last week. Students made lemon slice and we focused on a range of cooking processes and using different equipment.
This term our Year 7 & 8 students are participating in electives on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Our Secondary Team has been working very hard to ensure our students have an opportunity to try something different. This term we are offering; Woodwork, DigiTech, Sports/Games, Boxing/Fitness and Golf at the Robinvale Golf Course.
Issue 5 Book Club as been sent home.
DUE BACK Wednesday 27th July
Australian Dental Health
Australian Dental Health Victoria is providing school students with dental treament beyond the Medicare eligibility, meaning all students are able to participate.
The dental van is visiting our School from Monday 24th to Friday 28th October 2022.
If you wish your child to visit the Dental van, please return the form, sent home with your child by Monday 15th August.
If you require another form, please contact the School office