Newsletter, Week 6, term 1, 2023
Principal's Report
Dear Parents & Carers,
We have now reached the second half of the term and while walking through the school, classes are settled and focused on their learning which is lovely to see and hear.
Congratulations to all of the students who qualified for the Division Swimming competition after our school swimming carnival. We had 20 students from both primary and secondary represent St Mary’s last week. Further congratulations to Vincent Lamattina and Tyler Zappia who have now qualified to compete in the Regional Swimming competition next week in Swan Hill. We wish them all the best.
Next week, our Year 3, 5 and 7 students will commence NAPLAN assessments. NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 complete each year. It is the only national assessment that all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. While NAPLAN is important, it is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process but it can provide teachers with additional information about a student’s educational progress. Students will sit the following tests; Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. All of these assessments with the exception of Year 3 Writing will be completed online.
Towards the end of this term, in week 9 from Wednesday March 29 - Friday March 31 our Year 3/4 students will be heading off on school camp to Lake Cullulleraine. Camps provide students with a number of opportunities and experiences to develop both personally and socially with their peers. Information notes and permission forms have been sent home with students and must be returned as soon as possible. I am sure that our Year 3/4 students will have a wonderful time.
Yesterday we had a whole school evacuation drill to ensure that all of our staff and students know what to do if the need to evacuate ever arises. Students listened carefully to instructions and moved quickly and safely to the designated assembly area in a timely manner. Well done to everyone!
A friendly reminder to parents and students, that all students who walk or are dropped off/picked up from school must enter and exit the school via the gate on Parke Street. Any student who travels to and from school via a bus will enter and exit the school using the small gate on Nicholl’s street. A staff member will be on duty supervising these entry and exit points.
Also, don’t forget that this coming Monday March 13th is the Labour Day Public Holiday. We hope all families enjoy the long weekend!
Kind regards,
Nicole Zappia
Season of Lent
Lent is the time of year when Christians prepare for Easter. For Catholics, lent begins on Ash Wednesday (the day after Shrove Tuesday). It lasts for 40 days, not counting Sundays, and ends on Easter.
During Lent, many Christians fast, or go without regular meals. They do this in memory of Jesus Christ, who is said to have fasted for 40 days in the desert. Catholics fast mainly on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (the Friday before Easter). Some Christians “fast” during Lent by giving up something that they enjoy, such as a favorite food or a fun activity.
During the period of lent our school supports Caritas Australia’s major fundraising appeal Project Compassion. Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to donate and raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. Project Compassion boxes were sent home after Ash Wednesday to each family and your generous donations and support can help change lives today. Boxes are due back to the school office by Wednesday April 5th. Over the coming weeks students will be involved in a range of project compassion fundraisers at school to raise awareness and funds to support those in need.
This week our SWPBS focus: Is to let an adult know when you are feeling unsafe or concerned about something.
The SWPBS focus for next week is: to use time wisely and be on time.
Foundation students have been busy completing revision of the sounds that they have already learned this year. Below is some visuals of the characters used to support your child to remember the sounds each letter makes. Each sound also has an action to help support students.
Maggie Mouse munches muffins (action: rubbing your tummy)
Sammy Seal surfs (action: moving your hand in a wave shape)
Tommy Tiger taps his friends noses (action: tapping your nose)
Students are busily learning many other things; such as writing their names using the correct font, counting up to 10, identifying their own and others emotions, discussing the important aspects of Church, playing nicely and sharing objects, organising themselves ready to learn, following a schedule and listening to instructions.
Just a reminder that we no longer have Wednesday rest days in Foundation. Students are to attend school everyday, like all other students at school from now on.
Year 1/2
Year 1/2 have been busy writing sentences that focus on who, what, when, where and why. This week we got some inspiration for our sentence writing from our walk to Caix Square. We have also been doing some amazing work predicting and retelling stories!
Reader diaries have been provided to all students and it is expected that they will exchange books daily and read at home at least four times a week. All students should have a reader bag in order to take books home, or a protective bag to ensure the books are protected in school bags. Please direct any questions to your child's classroom teacher who will be happy to assist you.
Year 3/4
Year 3/4 children have been busy doing practice for our upcoming NAPLAN assessments next week. These are a snapshot of what your child is able to do, and though the results do give us educational data, there are also many other ways we measure this.
In PE we completed our unit on Tennis with a fun session of games at the Tennis Club. Thanks Mr Lowry for organising this fun learning experience.
In writing we have been focussing on Persuasive Text. They may have used their new found skills to convince you to do something for them at home!
Please remember to return camp notes ASAP, and speak to your child’s teacher if there are any issues at all regarding this.
Year 5/6
The 5/6 students and teachers had the opportunity to show off their tennis skills last week at the Robinvale Tennis Club. Teachers were very impressed by the positive behaviour and sportsmanship demonstrated on the day. Students have been working hard on their persuasive writing this week. In the coming weeks we will be looking at information reports.
A big congratulations to all swimming participants who competed against other schools last week. Well done to those who are moving onto the next stage.
A friendly reminder that all reading diaries need to be signed and brought back to school on Tuesday through to Friday. Homework is due each Friday. Thank you for your cooperation.
During the last few weeks Years 1-6 have been introduced to the artist Paul Klee. Paul Klee is known for his imaginative use of line and his quote “A line is a dot that went for a walk. A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.”
Using Klee’s artwork for inspiration, Years 1/2 have created continuous line creatures and have added colour to create more detail.
Year 3/4 have used music and Klee’s artwork to inspire creating various different types of lines and are currently working on using watercolours to paint their artworks.
Year 5/6 have been learning about how to draw portraits, ensuring the facial features are in the correct position and drawn in proportion. Then to further extend this, they have used Klee’s continuous line artworks for inspiration to create their own version of continuous line portraits of their friends. They will begin to add watercolour to their portraits in the coming weeks.
Year 7/8 Homeroom
Year 7 students have been busy over the past couple of weeks preparing for their upcoming NAPLAN assessments. Students will begin NAPLAN next Wednesday. Students will need a working pair of headphones for these assessments. We are aware many of the school issued headphones have broken and are working with the manufacturer to have these replaced, however we will not have any replacement headphones in time for next week. If students have a pair of working headphones at home, could they please bring these to school next week.
In Year 8 mathematics students have just completed their first test on Integers and their first Maths Mate Test. The next topic is on Indices. A reminder that students need to complete 6 modules in Maths Pathways every two weeks.
In Religion the Year 7&8’s have been learning about Caritas and project compassion. The sense of belonging is our topic in religion this week. So your child may be asking you for some information.
In Italian, students are working on a unit topic called ‘Ordering in a restaurant or cafe’. Students will be able to communicate about what food they would like to order, comment on food, ask about the bill and understand an Italian menu.
Lawn bowls and Golf commenced last week in our electives. We have got some very skilled golfers and lawn bowlers in our Year 7 & 8 class. We are very grateful to the Euston Bowling and Recreation Club and the Robinvale Golf Club.
Students have begun developing their storyboard ideas for cake decorating. This week students have baked their cakes in preparation to begin decorating next week. We have experimented with different types of icing, last week we used fondant to make a range of different shapes and items.
Food Technology
Over the past couple of weeks we have been investigating different raising agents in Food Technology. Students have used Self Raising Flour & Lemonade to make scones, Baking Powder and Plain Flour to make cupcakes and this week we used Yeast to make Pizza Dough.